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Terms of use

These are the Terms of Use for your online user account (hereinafter: User Account) with the members of Renaissance Capital (hereinafter: RC).

When registering and using the User Account, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. The User Account is aimed at providers and potential providers in Croatia and the rest of the world.

For the sake of readability and understanding, the following text does not use gender-sensitive language.

By registering and using the User Account, as well as other services provided by RC, you accept the following Terms of Use:



You can register for a User Account with us. Your User Account is your own private space and provides you with the opportunity to participate in all procurement procedures carried out by RC. This includes all tenders and bid requests conducted by RC as part of the group.

The User Account offers you the following features in particular:

• Quick and easy login to procurement procedures with your email address and password

• Management of your personal data or your company's data, such as address, email address, and password

• General account management

• Overview of all submitted applications for procurement procedures and the status of your application

• Receipt of notifications about ongoing and upcoming procurement procedures

• Management of your subscription, including changing settings to receive notifications about procurement procedures


In order to provide you with this comprehensive service, we collect and process your personal data in the performance of the contract, in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the "GDPR").

The following data is used: the data you have entered, such as your name; address; Personal Identification Number (other personal identification number assigned in the country where the person resides); job position; email address (including the person's name and/or surname); phone number; account number (if provided by individuals); internet IP address; domain name; browser type; number of visits; time spent on the website.

We also use your data when you visit our websites (e.g., renaissance.hr). These interactions are linked to you and the above-mentioned data in order to better understand you and provide the service.

For technical reasons, registered customers logged into their User Account cannot be offered a separate selection of cookie settings. Therefore, upon logging into your User Account, the selection of your cookie settings is adapted to the settings of the User Account. The cookies used by RC for the User Account (except for technical cookies) can be permanently deactivated. Disabling them may result in certain functions no longer working. You can find more information in our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy.


If you delete your User Account, we will immediately delete your personal data, or if that is not possible, we will anonymize it.



The User Account contains the information of each registered user. Therefore, registration must be completed before use. The user must fill in the mandatory fields in the online form with accurate information. It is not allowed to provide names, addresses, or pseudonyms of third parties. After entering all the data, the user receives an email with an activation code. By confirming this code, the User Account is activated. After entering your login credentials, you can use your User Account.

Registration is available for individuals (if an individual engaged in economic activities applies for a procurement procedure) and legal entities. Each user is allowed only one User Account.



Registered users must not disclose login information, such as username and/or password, to third parties. The user must keep the login information secure, inaccessible to third parties, and protected from unauthorized access. If the user becomes aware that their login credentials have been misused, they must immediately notify RC so that appropriate measures can be taken.

The user is responsible for the misuse of their login credentials. This includes unauthorized disclosure and careless storage of login information that enables misuse.


The user guarantees that they will not use any software or program that would alter or disrupt the function or availability of their User Account or the service (such as attempting hacking, brute force attacks, use or transmission of spyware, viruses, and worms). If the user receives messages or instructions from RC regarding the use of the User Account functions or services, the user must comply with them.

RC provides the User Account to users free of charge for an indefinite period but reserves the right to deny registration or usage to individual users at any time without stating reasons or to entirely terminate or modify renaissance.hr, the User Account, or individual services.



RC is not responsible for the continuous availability of the renaissance.hr website and services (especially the User Account), as well as the websites linked to renaissance.hr.


The contents of the website and services are developed with great care. Any liability related to the use of the User Account and services is excluded. This includes damages caused by software defects, as well as indirect damages, consequential damages, and loss of profits.

The exclusion of liability does not apply in cases of intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligation by RC or its legal representatives or assistants in performance. The exclusion of liability also does not apply in cases of injury to life, body, and health, for defects after assuming a product warranty, and in cases of concealing defects for fraudulent purposes. Liability in accordance with the Law on Obligations remains unaffected. For breaches of material contractual obligations caused by slight negligence on the part of RC, liability is limited to foreseeable, typical damages for the type of contract. Material contractual obligations are those whose violation jeopardizes the purpose of the contract or the fulfillment of which enables the proper execution of the contract, and on the observance of which the user regularly relies.


In case of direct or indirect references to third-party websites ("links," "hyperlinks," or other forms of referral), RC disclaims any responsibility for the content of those third-party websites. RC is not liable for those websites, or the content provided by third parties. The responsibility lies solely with the provider of those websites or the individuals responsible for the content on third-party websites.



RC reserves the right to change the features of the renaissance.hr website, User Account, RC services, and Terms of Use (unilaterally) at any time to take into account the case law of the highest courts and changes in laws that have occurred after the contract has been concluded, as well as subsequent imbalances between the service and counter-service or deficiencies in regulations. RC may also offer new features/services, modify them, discontinue them, or completely terminate the User Account at any time.

The User will receive the new Terms of Use by email. It is considered that the new terms have been accepted if the User does not object to them within three (3) weeks of receiving the new Terms in written form (email). The objection can be submitted by deleting the User Account or in writing to: Renaissance Capital, Draškovićeva 45, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

In the event of an objection, the User Account will be deleted two (2) weeks after the objection period expires, and the user agreement will be terminated. Deleting the account automatically terminates participation in other RC services.

You also have the option to delete your User Account yourself in the account settings.



RC may delete the user's User Account, fully deactivate the User Account, or terminate the user's participation in procurement procedures if the user violates these Terms of Use or if there are other justified reasons determined by RC (e.g., reasonable suspicion of manipulation, multiple registrations). If RC has deleted the User Account and/or terminated the user's participation in one or more procurement procedures, the user cannot re-register without explicit consent from RC.

The user can delete their User Account at any time.

The consequence of deleting your User Account is the inability to continue using all the functionalities within the User Account.


You can find all information regarding the protection of your personal data in our Privacy Policy, Data Protection Policy, and Cookie Policy published on this website: www.renaissance.hr.

May 2023.